About Us


We Help Your Time Work For Your Money

We are a group of independent financial service professionals who work with our clients to help them take control of their finances. We focus on each client's individual needs and situations and strive to provide suitable financial solutions to our clients based on their time horizon and risk tolerance.

Our Mission

We are committed to creating financially independent families. No matter what financial challenges clients may face, we have the experience and resources to create a successful financial plan. Whether it is debt management, retirement strategies, life insurance or other financial needs, we are able to help clients achieve financial independence.”

Remy Mel

Remy Mel

Remy Mel has his own independent financial service agency for the past few years. He comes with a 20+ years of IT background working for various fortune 500 companies. His passion towards finance has taken up a diversion into the world of finance with a goal to help many families with their financial needs.

He wanted to create a legacy for his family and was always in a quest to find opportunities to generate passive cash flow. The finance domain appealed to him as the finance industry is one of the largest and oldest industries in the world. Pursuing the mission to educate more and more families financially, Remy has achieved his dream by creating BlueGenie Solutions in his late 30s.

Rukmani Sambasivan

Rukmani Sambasivan in an engineer by background with 15+ yrs of IT experience. Along with her husband Remy Mel, has always been entrepreneurial. As a co-founder, Rukmani and her team works very closely with designing and help with her clients financial needs.

Both Rukmani and Remy's mission has been helping families understand financial concepts and and help them implement in their lives practically. Together this couple continues to empower many other professional couples like themselves and continue to add value in people’s lives.
Even after being a busy mother of two, Rukmani always finds time to keep the team together and maintain a cohesive bond between the agencies.
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